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Innovative Marketing Strategies for PCD Pharma Companies: Leveraging Digital Platforms and Beyond

Marketing is not just a part of every business, it is the very heart that drives success. For Pharma companies, in particular, the demand for pharma and medicinal products presents a unique opportunity that can be maximised with the right marketing strategies. Despite the numerous pharma companies offering services for the market, the companies that […]

What is the profit margin in pharma?

What constitutes the profit margin within the pharmaceutical industry? You run a business to earn money and not for charity. Therefore, profit margin is something that you are always interested in. Whether it is a pharma manufacturing company, a distribution business, or a pharma franchise company, you need a good return for every penny spent […]

What is the meaning of pharma franchise?

What is Pharma Franchise? A pharma franchise is a business model in which a pharmaceutical manufacturing company offers exclusive selling and marketing rights to a business owner. In this model, the franchisee offers convenience and liberty in terms of business, product procurement, order quantity, investment, and marketing! To understand the pcd pharma franchise in business […]